
We are a father and son team. Nader (the dad) has been a spiritual director since 2007 (North Park Seminary), and has his Doctor of Ministry in Spiritual Formation from Tyndale Seminary in Toronto. Ben (the son) is the operations pastor at a local Chicagoland church, and a writer who is passionate about prayer and literature. We both have a heart for personal prayer, and long to see others draw near to God in their prayer journeys. We hope the Holy Spirit speaks to you through these entries in the ways that only He knows you need.

9. Distraction Problems

9. Distraction Problems

Dear Jim,

Once again you should feel encouraged to know that you are not alone in your struggles. Feeling distracted in prayer is one of the most frequent issues people seek guidance on. Luckily, it is usually an easy issue to address.

The issue most often arises when we don’t allocate enough time for prayer. If a person has set aside only five minutes to pray, then their tolerance for distraction will be very low and they will become frustrated by even the most innocuous intrusive thoughts. This is understandable, because if they get distracted for two minutes out of their allocated five, then they’ve just lost 40% of their prayer time. This creates enormous pressure to waste absolutely no time in prayer-- a pressure that often becomes crippling. If a person has allocated thirty minutes to prayer, however, then losing two is not a big deal. They still have plenty of time to refocus without feeling like they’ve lost their connection with God for that prayer time. It’s worth noting that I rarely hear questions about distraction from people who pray longer.

At this point, I’d like to reiterate my earlier suggestion that you ask God how long he would like you to spend in prayer. Don’t let my explanation above make you feel that I am pushing you to pray for exactly thirty minutes. I really do want you to ask God what his invitation is to you in this regard.

One way that people who pray longer can address the issue of distraction is by journaling. Many people find it fruitful to write down their prayers to God in a letter. This allows them to stay focused and to organize their thoughts and feelings in God’s presence. I have found it to be exceedingly helpful to process my feelings with God in this way.

Finally, if neither of the above is helping, then I would suggest something that my spiritual director once suggested to me. Try going for a walk in a garden, or better yet, in nature. That almost always helps me to refocus my attention on God.


If distraction has been an issue for you, would allocating more time help reduce the pressure? If so, take a few minutes to ask God how long he thinks is best, and ask him for the grace to do so.

10. Changed By Reading

10. Changed By Reading

8. Feelings, Faith, & Expectations

8. Feelings, Faith, & Expectations